Hi Friends! Pandemic hitting Indonesia really hard. We struggle a lot ! I think because we have huge number of population. Apart from that we also struggle to overcome many wrong issues about COVID. Many people don't believe about this virus. So they are roaming around without mask. And people start realizing that it is real when their family member dying :( 

 It was June 2021 when we had second wave of COVID - 19. Hospital was full, the medicice was unreacheable and the most frustating thing is people are dying at home. Imagine one day I woke up with the news told us one family was found died at home due to Corona virus. Also children become orphan because their parents died. I know, some people still think it was only HOAX about Corona virus and the pandemic. 

The conversation with our friends. We tried to get update about friends around Indonesia.
Unfortunately one of our friend passed away because of Corona. We really wish the best for him.  

Indonesia is too large for our government to make sure that every single person obey the restriction during the pandemic. We also face dilemma about chosing the economic or the people. We need to sacrifice some bussiness because people can't move freely. I wish that one year in 2020, we already learnt a lot about this case. But unfortunately we didn't. There are some cases that people take advantage from this issue. They are selling the COVID test far above the normal price. Also some people that we know as selebgram or people with huge number of followers in instagram travel abroad and deny the reality that they supposed to be good example for society. 

There was around 3 weeks in June 2021, my Husband and I couldn't sleep properly because the demand of flower for mourning event was speeding up so high ! 24 hours people are calling asking whether we can provide the flower right at that time. We felt exhausted, arranging the flower almost all day long. And 3 weeks in the row was not short time. We didn't have enough supply for all demand. Serving all demand without sleeping properly made us felt tired. 

There was the time when we delivered a flower board for our customer's mother that passed away and around 10 minutes after that we got news that her father passed away too. It was so heartbreaking. Also several time we could only drop the flower in front of the door because they need to do isolation. We felt sorry for everyone who lost their family member. However we are happy to be beside people when they feel sad. Losing family member because in this difficult time was not easy.


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