
Advices from a girl who are not 7 years old anymore.

"You are too old for AIESEC life" It is not a new thing for me. I almost leave my 26 age. And guess what, I am still surrounded by bunch of young people who are still around 4 years younger than me. And my answer is always "You know, I am not sure if in the age of 26 you will have all the experiences that I have today" It is not bragging but I am pretty sure that all people have different experience, so I am always sure and rise my confidence back. This time I am trying to remember all lesson that life gave to me. Because, you don't need to go through all pain that I had to get all these life lesson. It is not dictating what you should in your life, hahahaha. I am not google who can answer directly all your questions. So, here several my life lesson complete with the moment when I got it. 1. Good friend stay forever. They don't need to be contacted each day. They even never complain if you just come when you need them. And you can yell at them, an...


DISCLAIMER : TOEFL below 550 and never take IELT test but still humble to share in English :D  Nowadays, our milenials are quite often feel piss off because their parents don’t allow them to get their dreams or several strict rules for them. I am not sure if I am too old to give this advice. As a 90’s kid, I feel that there is nothing wrong with parenting today. I try to understand and accept the way they take care of me.  Several time people ask me, why my parents let me do all things, and give me freedom that people think too much. So, here I am listing several hacks that I do to make my parents let me do what I want and what I believe including all strange ritual in AIESEC that my parents believe it will distract me from great dreams.   Regular check in , as AIESEC life obligate me to travel around for ‘not so short time’ so I need to make sure that my parents know where I am and what I am doing. I also do video call like taking medicine, literally 3 times...

The things about AIESEC that you wish you never know :/

                                                                      Hi, I am coming back! I just finished my AIESEC work and ready to face weekend. But then, I am thinking back about the reason, why I could be so long stick with AIESEC life. Some people think that I am a happy girl who is addicted about AIESEC. Now, I am going to reveal some struggling moment that not all people think could be happen in AIESEC. So, here you are…. Even AIESEC is a good leadership organisation, I usually find myself that I don’t deserve to be a leader. I meet so many people great people in this organisation. I usually think that they are better than me, so they should be my leader. But, at the end all these great people who I usually met in AIESEC event, end up be my inspiration to be better in the future....

Saatnya Berhenti Berjuang (?)

Sabtu adalah hari yang ditunggu-tunggu. Akhirnya, sate yang kami jual akan di delivery pada pagi ini. Anti, yang telah menginap dirumah semenjak Jumat malam sangat antusias untuk menggenapi target penjualan. Sabtu subuh, tidak hanya saya dan anti yang antusias. Ibu saya yang biasanya sibuk dengan pekerjaan rumah, ikut serta mengatur sate jualan. We all are really excited. "Dulu juga begini kubikin sama teman-temanku, karena banyak ka bersaudara jadi nd bisa minta uang terus" Ada maksud nostalgia rupanya ketika ibu dengan cekatan memasukkan 40 paket sate ke dalam dos-dos besar. "Anti, nd bisa ko bawaki ini pakai motor, nanti separuh dlu terus kuantar separuh ke Tello. Nanti kuambil kalau selesai mi ko antar separuh" Ibu menjelaskan panjang lebar dan kita berdua setuju dengan strategi itu. Anti dan saya lalu melaju diatas motor, dengan dos besar ditengah boncengan. Sesekali harus berhenti untuk mengecek alamat yang dituju. Panasnya matahari,tidak menyurutkan...