Our Last Satnite :(

One message on my phone

"Do you have time on Saturday ?"
Katy, my friend from America sent me message, make sure that I will be free on Saturday. She wanted hang out with me.

I KNOW !!!!! this is our last Saturday night together in Indonesia :(

But don't worry. I really make myself free from all duty, so we can hang out today ! I met her on Salon,

"Sorry for being late"
"No problem"
Katy wait me maybe around more than an hour,  at Salon. I passed J-Co time. That was because I need to fix my motorcycle and my laptop. But we really had fun.

Visited Ghifari sister.

Had some love story. And we had a great time for dinner together at RUMAH MAKAN PADANG ! I also took some pictures, and wanna make a story about our funny dinner with Mr.Athirah. I will tell you more about Mr. Athirah later :D


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