“What do you think if I join culture event, dad ?” I asked my father when the committee told me that I passed to Asean Youth Camping 2012.

“I know, you like to join an event like that, but it will never give impact to your study as chemistry student. You don’t have to know what happen to the culture for determine chemistry compound” My father tried to make correlation, and it seems he didn’t agree with my decision for joining this event.

Whatever, I just want to have fun with my Saturday night, meet new friends, have new knowledge about another country, and of course I wanna join it because Katy Mcfadden, will join it also ! My best friend from America.

I don’t know what will happen, what we will do, what I have to prepare. Even, I forgot the day, until the committee sent me message and told me “TOMMORROW is the day !!”
I am panic, still at office and can’t do anything to prepare myself to face it tomorrow. 

“Hi Katy, How are you ? Are you ready for tomorrow?, just let me know if you need any help” I sent message to her. 

“Fine, I’m at mall and ready for tomorrow. Don’t worry, everything is fine” She replied my message.

And what happened to me ? I don’t wanna confusing all my previous preparation just because I forgot the day. Honestly, I am very excited all about this event. When the committee sent me email, told me that I have completed all my registration, I update status on my facebook 

“One step closer to Asean Youth Camping ! *rolling on the air !!”

Even, I tried to find out all the delegation on fb !! I wanna know them. 

Back to my home and printed all my document that will help me to talk about THAILAND. Because I will be Thailand delegation, I have to know about the country, and prepare my opinion about the issue “Sustainable Development”. Now, I realize my father is right, I know nothing about the issues. I don’t know what happened in the government, how their culture, what Thailand have done, is doing and will do to support this issue, how their government system works !

But, technology helped me to do anything! Helped me many things ! I will not give up !

Finally, I know what happened in Asean Youth Camping. Have some theory about Sulawesi Culture, have practice about ASEAN Summit Simulation, barbecue party, and cultural show.
I have some favorite parts :

Raise country name, and sent message to other country while having simulation.

“Hi katy, how was America ?? I’m in Thailand now. I miss you. Go ahead with all your resolution!.” I wrote on paper, give to the mail man, and sent it !!

Other chance I wrote :
“Hi Katy, You have new neighbor now, They are from China, Send my best regards to them”

And she sent me like a postcard :
“Hi Icha. How is Thailand?. Don’t forget to visit us in America”

Cultural show 

When Jeremy, explain about American Cultural , he said “She is Beyonce not Biondi” and it will make people laugh if they know who is Biondi exactly. Heheheh. 

I love All the dance. 

And I love when finally Malaysian people explain more about what culture they have claimed, and I absolutely agree that we don’t need to blame each other, just because our culture arrived in Malaysia. I still proud to be an Indonesian, and Love all my Malaysian friends.

Narcissistic Time

Make a video, take some pictures, and have some new friends. Even, my new friends come from China, America, Japan, Belgium, Malaysia  and some country that maybe I forgot, sorry !! 

I Love my team ! 

Always happy although that we failed to be the winner. Kak Syifa, Kak Julia, Kak Aya, Sam and My Leader Shun. They are great people. We had fun with all games !

Live Story

I love when great people talking about their experience, my roommate, Besse, She ever lived in Japan!, It really inspire me to be like her, or someone else that I think, really great in their life. 


The best Delegation is Katy Mcfadden ! no comment, she deserve to get it. Her explanation about America is excellent. 

Funniest award goes to me !!!! I don’t know what happened to me, I just try to make them fun, I thought “Do the Best is Nothing without Feeling Happy”.

I realize that , how to be success is how hard your effort to be ! Even when some people don’t agree with your decision, just try it. Because when you failed after trying, finally you know that isn’t work to your plan !  

And today, when people asked me how the asean youth camping give impact to my study ? 
Finally i know the reason, I will tell them -

It really give me inspiration to realize that every people, will have something to do, to get what they want. 

I wanna have new friends, I wanna have fun with my satnite, I need more inspiration, I wanna know about government issues, so, I JOIN this CAMPING and I get all what I want, not my father wants. But I really sure, that my father will be happy when his daughter feeling happy too. Don’t worry dad, My inspiration teach me how to get my ambition soon !    

no matter what do you study about. 


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