
Showing posts from May, 2012


“What do you think if I join culture event, dad ?” I asked my father when the committee told me that I passed to Asean Youth Camping 2012. “I know, you like to join an event like that, but it will never give impact to your study as chemistry student. You don’t have to know what happen to the culture for determine chemistry compound” My father tried to make correlation, and it seems he didn’t agree with my decision for joining this event. Whatever, I just want to have fun with my Saturday night, meet new friends, have new knowledge about another country, and of course I wanna join it because Katy Mcfadden, will join it also ! My best friend from America. I don’t know what will happen, what we will do, what I have to prepare. Even, I forgot the day, until the committee sent me message and told me “TOMMORROW is the day !!” I am panic, still at office and can’t do anything to prepare myself to face it tomorrow.  “Hi Katy, How are you ? Are you ready for tomorrow?, jus

Mr. Athirah and Katy :)

One day, in rumah Makan Padang on Ratulangi Road, there was a lonely doll. His name is Mr. Athirah. He was alone, and nobody came with him. Though another people had their couple for weekend. When, he ready to order some foods...... a beautiful girl came to his table, her name is Katy. And they had a short conversation. Katy : Are you happy to have a dinner with me ?? Mr. Athirah : Yes ! Of course. So, I'm not the lonely one anymore :) Mr. Athirah : What is your favorite food, here ? Katy : Ou, I love this ! (while pointed a chicken with orange seasoning)  What a good girl ! Even the girl treated Mr. Athirah for dinner. And She offered Mr. Athirah to go home together.  BYE-BYE, see you next time !  What a funny story !  Mr. Athirah is a gift from Katy's student.  

Our Last Satnite :(

One message on my phone "Do you have time on Saturday ?" Katy, my friend from America sent me message, make sure that I will be free on Saturday. She wanted hang out with me. I KNOW !!!!! this is our last Saturday night together in Indonesia :( But don't worry. I really make myself free from all duty, so we can hang out today ! I met her on Salon, "Sorry for being late" "No problem" Katy wait me maybe around more than an hour,  at Salon. I passed J-Co time. That was because I need to fix my motorcycle and my laptop. But we really had fun. Visited Ghifari sister. Had some love story. And we had a great time for dinner together at RUMAH MAKAN PADANG ! I also took some pictures, and wanna make a story about our funny dinner with Mr.Athirah. I will tell you more about Mr. Athirah later :D

Spesial untuk Itink :)

"Ahdaaaaannn, tulis ko dulu blog tentang saya" Elda merengek setiap hari. Dia teman angkatan saya di fakultas MIPA jurusan kimia. Nama panggilan mesranya Itink ! Lihat saja rambut indahnya yang meliuk2 alami mengikuti cara berfikirnya. Dalam beberapa hal, saya mengakui dia sangat pintar. "Itink, nyontekka dulu tugas fisika mu" ini dialog waktu semester II di UNHAS. "Io selesai mka saya bos, uuhhh sa kerja semua" logat dan tingkah bicara Itink buat saya memang genit dan sangat khas. Saya yakin dia sangat rajin di kos mengerjakan tugas-tugas kuliahnya. Tapi dia sedikit agak rewel kalau masalah asistensi laporan. "Astagaaaaa, Ahdan, kau tau, bonceng 3 ka ini di motornya Martin untuk pulang ke kos karena saya kira nda jadi asistensi hari ini, eh ternyata, baru lepas tas ada mi sede' sms mu suruh balik ke kampus.....blablabla..." menurutku, hari itu cuaca sangat panas. Dan dia musti kembali secepat mungkin untuk asistensi y

Semua-muanya tentang ketidak sengajaan :)

Dunia itu tak selebar daun kelor Ouu, Jadi dunia itu lebih kecil dari ukuran daun kelor atauuuuu... lebih besar dari daun kelor. Yang pastinya TIDAK sama lebar Saya kemudian mencoba mengingat-ingat bentuk daun kelor. Dan mencoba membayangkan dunia, Heeemmm sangat bedaaa, bumi dengan diameter 12.756 kilometer, dan daun kelor dengan ukuran rata-rata sebesar kuku manusia, tentulah tidak sebanding. Tapi ternyata setelah melalui 2 hari setelah hari Minggu, saya kemudian berfikir, My world is too narrow for me. "LAGIII BIKIN APA KAAAAK ??" teriakku di pinggir jalan menyapa gadis cantik berkerudung putih, salah seorang anggota Makassar Berkebun yang pernah kutemui dalam acara tanam pohon dan bersih2 separator jalan. Saya sendiri sedang bersama Katy Mcfadden berboncengan motor menuju konser di Trans Studio. Sapaan ku hanya dibalas senyuman, mungkin dia lupa nama saya. Tak tinggal diam, saya kemudian berteriak lagi. "ICHA, KAK. KETEMU DI ACARA M